Saturday, August 9, 2008

So What Is A 'Laughter Therapist'?

So what makes a Laughter Therapist?
Experience of fringe theatre/the stand up scene/radio/tv appearances?
The ability to tell jokes to your mates down the pub or at work?
Well all of the above and many more examples could be given... but to me, a Laughter Therapist is best defined as:

Someone who can help you to laugh!
Straightforward and unbelievably simplistic I know... but is it? How many people are able to do that?
If you can think of anyone who you think is a potential laughter therapist (including yourself) and would like to see 'em get a mention here, send an email to me and let me know.

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Husband feelings about wife :)

మగవాళ్ళందరూ స్వతహాగా దైర్యవంతులే 5 హారర్ సినిమాలు చూసినా భయపడరు కానీ భార్య నుండి 5 Missed Calls వస్తే మాత్రం భయపడి పోతారు. ఇంత భయపెట్టిన...