smiling, laugh, guffaw, chuckle, chortle, cackle, howl, roar, ha-ha, fall about, roar/hoot with laughter, shake with laughter, be convulsed with laughter, dissolve into laughter, split one's sides, be doubled up; informalbe in stitches, die laughing, be rolling in the aisles, laugh like a drain, bust a gut, break up, be creased up, crease up, crack up
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Is it true that laughing can make us healthier?
It's undoubtedly the best medicine. For one thing, it's exercise. It activates the cardiovascular system, so heart rate and blood pressure increase, then the arteries dilate, causing blood pressure to fall again. Repeated short, strong contractions of the chest muscles, diaphragm and abdomen increase blood flow into our internal organs, and forced respiration--the ha! ha!--makes sure that this blood is well oxygenated. Muscle tension decreases, and indeed we may temporarily lose control of our limbs, as in the expression "weak with laughter". It may also release brain endorphins, reducing sensitivity to pain and boosting endurance and pleasurable sensations. Some studies suggest that laughter affects the immune system by reducing the production of hormones associated with stress, and that when you laugh the immune system produces more T-cells. But no rigorously controlled studies have confirmed these effects. Laughter's social role is definitely important. I'm very concerned that today's children may be heading for a whole lot of social ills because their play and leisure time is so isolated and they lose out on lots of chances for laughter.
When children stare at computer screens, rather than laughing with each other, this is at odds with what's natural for them. Natural social behaviour in children is playful behaviour, and in such situations laughter indicates that make-believe aggression is just fun, not for real, and this is an important way in which children form positive emotional bonds, gain new social skills and generally start to move from childhood to adulthood. I think parents need to be very careful to ensure that their children play in groups, with both peers and adults, and laugh more.
Does laughter differ between the sexes?
I'm sure it does, particularly the uses to which the sexes put laughter as a social tool. For instance, women smile more than laugh, and are particularly adept at smiling and laughing with men as a kind of "social lubricant". It might even be possible that this has a biological origin, because women don't or can't use their physical size as a threat, which men do, even if unconsciously.
And between cultures?
Cultural differences are certainly part of it. Loud, raucous laughter with exaggerated movements and expressions is considered "unfeminine" in most cultures, and is much more common among men, particularly if they're with other men. In several situations I see laughter used, apparently unconsciously, to help get things as diverse as power, friendship, a lover or truthful behaviour from subordinates. For instance, socially dominant individuals, from bosses to tribal chiefs, use laughter to control their subordinates. When the boss laughs, their minions laugh too. Laughter might be a form of asserting power by controlling the emotional climate of the group, and it also has a dark side. There are theories that laughter and aggression have common origins, with some kinds of laughter in primates apparently being threatening--just look at the way they bare their teeth. That might explain why being laughed at is so unpleasant.
How is laughter different in people who are blind or deaf?
What have they found?
The brain scans are usually done while people are responding to humorous material. You see brainwave activity spread from the sensory processing area of the occipital lobe, the bit at the back of the brain that processes visual signals, to the brain's frontal lobe. It seems that the frontal lobe is involved in recognising things as funny. The left side of the frontal lobe analyses the words and structure of jokes while the right side does the intellectual analyses required to "get" jokes. Finally, activity spreads to the motor areas of the brain controlling the physical task of laughing. We also know about these complex pathways involved in laughter from neurological illness and injury. Sometimes after brain damage, tumours, stroke or brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease, people get "stonefaced" syndrome and can't laugh.
I find it improbable that a purely psychological mass reaction would last so long and be so widespread. Sometimes people have fits of abnormal, inappropriate, unrestrained and uncontrollable laughter dissociated from any social or humour stimulus. Laughter involves motor, emotional and cognitive components, each one located in a specific part of the brain. The American neurologists Hanna and Antonio Damasio suggest that abnormal laughter occurs when structures in the basal part of the brain are damaged. The pathways that normally automatically adjust the execution of laughter to be appropriate to the stimulus for it are disrupted and the brain gets incomplete information about the cognitive and situational context of a potential stimulus--it gets it wrong about whether or not to laugh--resulting in chaotic behaviour. Based on this model, I suggest that a viral infection, probably some kind of encephalitis in the basal part of the brain, provoked the 1962 epidemic. Many of the people affected had fever, and some also had movement disturbances.
So is "normal" laughter hard-wired?
We see babies and children laughing with their mothers, and it's easy to assume that they're imitating. But we've studied children who have no opportunity to learn laughter, because they're congenitally blind, deaf, or mute, and found that they can smile and laugh even though they're unable to copy others. It's only the beginning of the story, though, and we need to know more about the differences between laughter in different people.
How have people studied those events?
Do you think we have 'laughter genes'?
Do you believe other animals laugh too?
But I think we need to be careful about over-interpreting panting behaviour in animals at play. It's nice to think of it as homologous to human laughter, but it could just be something similar but with entirely different purposes and evolutionary advantages.
Everything humans do has a function, and laughing is no exception. Its function is surely communication. We need to build social structures in order to live well in our society and evolution has selected laughter as a useful device for promoting social communication. In other words, it must have a survival advantage for the species.
Laughter is a primitive reflex common to most animals not just humans
Laughter a universal phenomenon, and one of the most common things we do. We laugh many times a day, for many different reasons, but rarely think about it, and seldom consciously control it. We know so little about the different kinds and functions of laughter, and my interest really starts there. Why do we do it? What can laughter teach us about our positive emotions and social behaviour? There's so much we don't know about how the brain contributes to emotion and I think we can get at understanding this by studying laughter.
Only 10 or 20 per cent of laughing is a response to humor. Most of the time it's a message we send to other people--communicating joyful disposition, a willingness to bond and so on. It occupies a special place in social interaction and is a fascinating feature of our biology, with motor, emotional and cognitive components. Scientists study all kinds of emotions and behaviour, but few focus on this most basic ingredient. Laughter gives us a clue that we have powerful systems in our brain which respond to pleasure, happiness and joy. It's also involved in events such as release of fear.
My professional focus has always been on emotional behaviour. I spent many years investigating the neural basis of fear in rats, and came to laughter via that route. When I was working with rats, I noticed that when they were alone, in an exposed environment, they were scared and quite uncomfortable. Back in a cage with others, they seemed much happier. It looked as if they played with one another--real rough-and-tumble--and I wondered whether they were also laughing. The neurobiologist Jaak Panksepp had shown that juvenile rats make short vocalisations, pitched too high for humans to hear, during rough-and-tumble play. He thinks these are similar to laughter. This made me wonder about the roots of laughter.
Ha! Ha! Ha! What's So Funny? Intensive Laugh Therapy! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Life not so ticklish anymore? Ha! Ha! Try using the other hand!
Sounds like YOU need an Super-Sized portion of satire, sarcasm, irony, gags, riddles, jokes, tricks, slapstick, burlesque, stand-up, corn, schmaltz, cheese, chutzpah, smoke, mirrors, double entendres, practical jokes, sleight of hand, con games, hustles, mistaken identities, twists, turns, exagerations and--yeah--even lots MORE cool stuff (I saved the best for last--BIG Secret!)
If laughter is the best medicine, maybe it's time to schedule some Intensive Laugh Therapy!
What's So Funny!? How (and Why) to Add Humor & Comedic Relief to Your Prose!
What is the essence of humor, anyway? What makes people laugh?
Why did the boring writer cross the road? Because that's what he did last year!
Try something different this time! Write a 2-3 minute stand-up bit, or a piece of comedic writing. Gather a few funny things you thought of, some hilarious jokes, personal observations, witty commentary, rip-rap, hip-hop rhymes, jives, stand and deliver AND Learn the Ancient Secrets of the Universal Laugh In-Generator!
Management at Four Points Sheraton (Jetport) has kindly donated a private meeting room for us with the proviso that we buy some food and beverages, so bring an appetite! There is no charge for this meeting, only what you choose to order from the menu.
So What Is A 'Laughter Therapist'?
Experience of fringe theatre/the stand up scene/radio/tv appearances?
The ability to tell jokes to your mates down the pub or at work?
Well all of the above and many more examples could be given... but to me, a Laughter Therapist is best defined as:
Someone who can help you to laugh!
Straightforward and unbelievably simplistic I know... but is it? How many people are able to do that?
If you can think of anyone who you think is a potential laughter therapist (including yourself) and would like to see 'em get a mention here, send an email to me and let me know.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Related links for Laughing Theraphy and More Jokes
Other Related links
University of Maryland Media News has several articles that offer results of a study that shows a good sense of humor may help prevent heart disease and heart attacks. The articles also contain a multiple-choice humor survey to rate your "laugh protection" against heart disease..
- Laughter is the "Best Medicine" for Your Heart
- Laughter is Good for Your Heart
- Humor Survey: How Well Does Your Sense of Humor Protect You From Heart Disease?
How Laughter Works – Explains the physiology of laughter, as well as its physical and emotional benefits. (How Stuff Works)
What is Humor? – Discusses the relationship between humor and health and suggests ways to improve your sense of humor. (Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor)
Joke Sites
Henny Youngman Jokes – The definitive Henny Youngman collection (
Steven Wright Jokes - The Master of the Absurd (
Good Clean Funnies List Archive – This list contains links to clean jokes. (Good, Clean Funnies List)
Yahooligans! Jokes – Provides jokes for kids. Clean jokes in 12 categories with a Joke of the Day feature. (Yahoo Kids)
Leslie Lindeman, Gina Kemp, M.A., and Jeanne Segal, PhD contributed to this article. Last modified on: 9/26/07..
Humor, Laughter and Health
The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. Humor and laughter can cause a domino effect of joy and amusement, as well as set off a number of positive physical effects. Humor and laughter strengthen our immune systems and help us recover from illness, as well as bring joy into our lives. The question is, how do we gain access to this priceless medicine?
Health benefits of humor and laughter
"Laughter activates the chemistry of the will to live and increases our capacity to fight disease. Laughing relaxes the body and reduces problems associated with high blood pressure, strokes, arthritis, and ulcers. Some research suggests that laughter may also reduce the risk of heart disease. Historically, research has shown that distressing emotions (depression, anger, anxiety, and stress) are all related to heart disease. A study done at the University of Maryland Medical Center suggests that a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at stressful situations helps mitigate the damaging physical effects of distressing emotions.
A good hearty laugh can help:
- reduce stress
- lower blood pressure
- elevate mood
- boost immune system
- improve brain functioning
- protect the heart
- connect you to others
- foster instant relaxation
- make you feel good.
Laughter's Effects on the Body | |
Laughter lowers blood pressure. | People who laugh heartily on a regular basis have lower standing blood pressure than the average person. When people have a good laugh, initially the blood pressure increases, but then it decreases to levels below normal. Breathing then becomes deeper which sends oxygen enriched blood and nutrients throughout the body. |
Humor changes our biochemical state. | Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases infection fighting antibodies. It increases our attentiveness, heart rate, and pulse. |
Laughter protects the heart. | Laughter, along with an active sense of humor, may help protect you against a heart attack, according to the study at the University of Maryland Medical Center (cited above). The study, which is the first to indicate that laughter may help prevent heart disease, found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease. |
Laughter gives our bodies a good workout. | Laughter can be a great workout for your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. It massages abdominal organs, tones intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold the abdominal organs in place. Not only does laughter give your midsection a workout, it can benefit digestion and absorption functioning as well. It is estimated that hearty laughter can burn calories equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the exercise bike. |
Humor improves brain function and relieves stress. | Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain to enhance learning. It eases muscle tension and psychological stress, which keeps the brain alert and allows people to retain more information |
Monday, June 9, 2008
Laughter: The Light Solution for Stress
One could name 101 solutions for stress and all of them should be laughter. Laughter releases anxiety, changes our perception and helps us cope. It doesn’t change stressors; it changes how we relate to stressors. If we laugh more, we stress less. This presentation energizes, entertains, and informs in a unique approach to the wearisome problem of stress. Participants will:
· Laugh till their sides ache and their cheeks hurt.
· Learn outrageous, practical, specific tools to
promote laughter daily.
· Be less stressed and more energized.
· Be more aware of the vital role of laughter in stress
Introducing Laughter in the Workplace
This is serious! Why do we need laughter in the workplace? Laughter reduces stress. It helps employees cope with change. It reduces conflict and grievances, and it develops clearer communication. This presentation provides strategies for developing a laughter-filled workplace for hardworking employees. Laughter in the workplace strengthens the business and energizes the workers. Those attending this entertaining, informative presentation will:
- Have methods to increase laughter in the workplace.
- Have laughter tools for clearer communication, diffusing conflict, and reducing stress.
- Have tactics to utilize laughter in coping with change.
- Will be able to incorporate laughter into management skills.
Belly Laughter in Relationships: Something Else Positive Below the Belt
In America today, younger people marrying for the first time face a 40-50% chance of divorcing. Nothing is exempt from effects of the high divorce rate including the workplace. Marital problems are associated with decreased work productivity, especially in men. Studies show that the strongest factor in overall marital happiness is the amount of fun in relationships. This unique, effective program takes all the important factors in relationships and examines them with zany, practical, effective techniques. Participants will learn:· How to keep laughing with a partner.
· How to utilize laughter to achieve effective
communication and avoid power struggles.
· How to use laughter to tolerate behavior.
· Why laughter is vital for long-lasting relationships.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Therapeutic touch
What Is It?
Therapeutic touch is a healing technique in which a practitioner's hands are passed in wavelike motions inches above a person's body. (Despite the name, the practitioner typically does not make contact with the body, although some practitioners do include physical touch.) It is believed that by doing therapeutic touch, the practitioner can break up a person's energy blockages and thus improve health and well-being.
The idea of a human energy field, or life force, isn't new. It is included in Ayurvedic medicine as prana, and the Chinese known it as qi. Therapeutic touch is controversial in the West, however, where the notion of an energy field is not generally accepted.
Those who have had success with therapeutic touch believe that the treatments work through manipulation of the energy that pulsates in and around all living beings--similar to what Western physicists call a force field. It is thought that therapeutic touch improves health by clearing blockages in that energy field and by helping a person build up his own curative energy.
Another explanation is that therapeutic touch relaxes the body, allowing it to function and heal itself better than when it is tense. Studies have shown that wounds heal faster, pain levels are lower, and immune function is stronger when stress levels are decreased.
Therapeutic touch sessions generally last 20 to 30 minutes. They can be conducted in a practitioner's office, or in a hospital, nursing home, or other medical center as required. The patient can be fully clothed, and may be standing, sitting, or lying down.
A session will usually begin with a conversation between the patient and the practitioner about the patient's health problems. The practitioner will then go into a meditative state to prepare for the session.
To begin, the practitioner assesses the patient's energy field, scanning for energy blocks by moving her hands in slow, rhythmic motions over the body but not touching it. Once a blockage is found, the practitioner moves her hands in a flowing manner from the top of the blockage location down and away from the body, "unruffling" the energy field where it is blocked. This action is repeated until the blockage is no longer felt by the practitioner or the patient feels relief.
After this, the practitioner transfers energy from herself to the patient to help facilitate healing. She will then evaluate the energy field once again to check for remaining blockages, and end the session by ensuring that the person is feeling well. The patient should probably feel relaxed and calm after the treatment.
The number and frequency of treatments depends on the patient and the illness. A muscle spasm may only require one treatment, while a chronic condition such as migraine headaches may need multiple sessions.
Therapeutic touch advocates believe that this therapy can reduce stress, promote relaxation, relieve pain, and stimulate healing. It is usually used as adjunct therapy to conventional medical treatment.
Studies have shown that the technique helps reduce anxiety in patients awaiting or recovering from surgery. At Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center in New York City, patients may request therapeutic touch during or after an operation. A survey of 10 patients who were initially "extremely skeptical" of the technique found it to be "remarkably helpful."
A 1998 study, published in the Journal of Family Practice, showed that therapeutic touch significantly reduced pain and increased function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Another 1998 study in the Journal of Advanced Nursing showed that therapeutic touch reduced pain and anxiety in burn victims.
More controversial is a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998, which tested whether therapeutic touch practitioners could actually detect the human energy field. In the study, which was conceived, designed, and carried out by a 9-year-old student, researchers had 21 practitioners place their hands through a screen so that the practitioners couldn't see them. A researcher then held one of her hands over one of the practitioner's hands and asked the practitioner to tell which hand she was near, by feeling for the energy field of the hand. The practitioners chose the correct hand only 44% of the time, a result similar to that expected from random chance. Critics of therapeutic touch believe that this study shows the therapy's lack of validity. Some therapeutic touch advocates even question the worth of the study, believing that it was badly designed.
Therapeutic touch practitioners are not licensed or certified. There are several organizations, however, that train clinicians in this therapy. Dolores Krieger, the therapy's founder, reports that she alone has taught the therapy to 43,000 health-care professionals and several thousand lay people. (Because Krieger was a nurse, the majority of health-care professionals who practice the technique today are nurses.)
Look for a practitioner who has completed a workshop in therapeutic touch, or who has continuing education credits in the therapy from a state nursing association. The practitioner should have practiced the technique under a mentor for at least a year. Ask a trusted bodyworker or your primary care physician for a referral to a therapeutic touch practitioner.
1. There is a slight chance of nausea and dizziness occurring after a therapeutic touch treatment.
2. Some believe that a person in a weakened state may become irritable and uncomfortable if flooded with too much energy during a treatment.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Laughteryoga, Laughing Yoga Or Laughter Therapy Is Best Medicine...
Laughter Yoga: Yogic Exercise
"Yoga - the new age fitness mantra", but Yoga is not new age at all. It's just that the benefits of the same are being discovered again. Yoga is a way of life, an art of righteous living or an integrated system for the benefit of the body, mind and inner spirit. This art originated, was perfected and practiced in India thousands of years ago.
What could be best possible medicine than ‘Laughter’! All over the world Laughter Yoga is becoming known and sought after. The fun and the health benefits are amazing, plus we all know that laughter just feels great! It's easy to lead, anyone can do it, all ages, and all walks of life. Laughter is nature's stressbuster. It lifts our spirits with a happy high that makes us feel good and improves our behavior towards others. Laughter therapy is gentle exercise. It fills your lungs and body with oxygen, deep-clears our breathing passages and exercises our lungs.
When we laugh our bodies release a cocktail of hormones & chemicals that have startling positive effects on our system. Stress is reduced, blood pressure drops, depression is lifted, and our immune system is boosted. This laughter practice moves progressively from the ho ho, ha ha exercise to other types of simulated laughter. It is called as 'laughter cocktail. This “cocktail" includes hearty laughter, greeting laughter, open-mouthed silent laughter, humming laughter, lion laughter (an adaptation of Lion Pose), and swinging laughter, with arm movement. Each laughter is sustained for up to 45 seconds, and followed with deep breathing and stretching exercises. Laughter exercises almost always lead to real laughter, especially when practiced in a group. Laughter yoga is one of the best stress management known so far.
Many people might be surprised to think of laughter as a form of meditation. Not only is laughing meditation one of the simplest forms of meditation, but also it is a very powerful one. The physical act of laughing is one of the few actions involving the body, emotions, and the soul. When we laugh, we give ourselves over to the immediacy of the present moment. Practiced in the morning, laughing meditation can lend a joyful quality to the entire day. Practiced in the evening, laughing meditation is a potent relaxant that has been known to inspire pleasant dreams. Laughter also can help open our eyes to previously unnoticed absurdities that can make life seem less serious.
There are many laughter clubs who uses laughter yoga and laughter therapy as a mode of stressbuster in New York. Laughter yoga in New York is based on one hour introduction of laughter therapy. This age old yogic principles helps in reducing anxiety and stress, burning upto 400 calories per hour. For more information on laughter yoga and laughter club logon to
Friday, May 30, 2008
Laughing will increase ur life span.......
1) Long back, a person who sacrificed his sleep, forgot his family, forgot his food, Forgot laughter were called.
But now they are called.. "IT professionals"
2) An interesting line written at the back of a Biker ' s T Shirt:
"If you are able to see this, please tell me that my girlfriend has fallen off"
3.) Most Relationships fail not because of the absence of love..
Love is always present.. Its just that,
One loves too much, And
the other loves too many,
4.) Employee:
Boss, Now I have got married..! Please increase my salary..!
Factory is not responsible for accidents occurring outside the company..!
5.) Philosophy of life
At the beginning of married life, every gal treats her husband as
Later on somehow the alphabets got reversed.
6.) What is a Fear?
Fear is the Deep, Wrenching feeling in your stomach
When pages of your book still smell new and Just few hours left for your exams..!
7.) Useful
Someone has rightly said, "A fool can ask More questions that a wiseman cannot answer"
No Wonder why so many of us speechless when lecturers ask question..!
8.) Girl:
Oh sure..@! How about this card, it says "To the only boy I ever loved.!"
That ' s good, Give me 12 of them..!
9) After reading the form filled by an applicant.. The employer said: " WE do have an... opening for you..! "
What is it?
Its called the "door..!"
10) A Banner cum Sign Board In front of an IT company..
Drive Slowly, Don ' t kill our Employee.... . Leave them to us
Do you have Cards with sentimental Love quotes?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Welcome to Laughter Therapy and the benefits
Patients, doctors and health-care professionals are all finding that laughter may indeed be the best medicine.
Why laugh ? And how will it help you ?
. It strengthens your immune system.
. It makes your cheeks sore.
. It actually increases your intellectual performance and boosts information retention.
There are lots more reasons why it's important for you to laugh (and keeping laughing) and to discover those just click right here and jump to the list of Reasons to Laugh.
Laughing is found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress hormones, increase muscle flexion, and boost immune function by raising levels of infection-fighting T-cells, disease-fighting proteins called Gamma-interferon and B-cells, which produce disease-destroying antibodies. Laughter also triggers the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and produces a general sense of well-being.
Laughter is infectious. Hospitals around the country are incorporating formal and informal laughter therapy programs into their therapeutic regimens. In countries such as India, laughing clubs -- in which participants gather in the early morning for the sole purpose of laughing -- are becoming as popular as Rotary Clubs in the United States.
Humor is a universal language. It's a contagious emotion and a natural diversion. It brings other people in and breaks down barriers. Best of all it is free and has no known side reactions.
Husband feelings about wife :)
మగవాళ్ళందరూ స్వతహాగా దైర్యవంతులే 5 హారర్ సినిమాలు చూసినా భయపడరు కానీ భార్య నుండి 5 Missed Calls వస్తే మాత్రం భయపడి పోతారు. ఇంత భయపెట్టిన...
Are you tired of the same old laugh? Give one of these laughs a try! HA HA HA ..... :)
మగవాళ్ళందరూ స్వతహాగా దైర్యవంతులే 5 హారర్ సినిమాలు చూసినా భయపడరు కానీ భార్య నుండి 5 Missed Calls వస్తే మాత్రం భయపడి పోతారు. ఇంత భయపెట్టిన...